Mikel Arteta’s Comments on Barcelona Manager Job Amid Arsenal Boss Speculation – Daily Star

Mikel Arteta’s Comments on Barcelona Manager Job Amid Arsenal Boss Speculation – Daily Star

The outlet has reported that Arteta is considering leaving his five-year project with Arsenal to return to the club where he began his career. However, Arteta’s past comments suggest that a move is not currently a priority for him. He expressed happiness and pride in his current role and showed respect for Barcelona and its coach, Xavi.

It would be surprising if Arteta were to leave Arsenal, as he has worked hard to restore the club to a prominent position in European football, particularly since it is his first managerial role. In contrast, Barcelona is facing financial difficulties, a pressurized environment, and injuries to key players, meaning Arteta would essentially have to start from scratch if he were to move there.

Xavi’s decision to leave Barcelona was influenced by the intense pressure from fans and the media. He expressed that leaving was necessary for a fresh start and to alleviate the constant scrutiny and criticism he experienced at the club.

Xavi also emphasized the mental toll of the job, stating that in Barcelona, one often feels undervalued and mistreated, leading to detrimental effects on mental health. He acknowledged that the demanding nature of his role had worn him down, prompting him to make the decision to depart.


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