“What Mikel Arteta Needs to Do to Win the Title, According to an Arsenal Invincible” – Daily Star

“What Mikel Arteta Needs to Do to Win the Title, According to an Arsenal Invincible” – Daily Star

Parlour, a former Arsenal player, believes that current manager Mikel Arteta should seek advice from Arsene Wenger, the legendary former manager of the club. Parlour pointed out the value of seeking wisdom from someone who managed the club during its last title win in 2003/04. He also suggested that Arteta could benefit from the influence of successful coaches such as Pep Guardiola.

Arteta, who played under Wenger, had limited on-field success compared to Parlour, who won multiple trophies during his time at Arsenal. Wenger left Arsenal in 2018, after a 22-year spell during which he won numerous titles and cups. Since leaving Arsenal, Wenger has taken on a role at FIFA and distanced himself from the club in order to allow the new manager to build a fresh connection with the team.

Wenger’s absence from the Emirates Stadium is intentional, as he believes it is important for the club to establish new connections without his potentially overshadowing presence. Despite this, Parlour expresses his pleasure at Wenger’s return to the club and his admiration for the former manager.

In conclusion, the text discusses the value of seeking advice from experienced figures like Wenger, the different experiences of former and current players under Wenger’s management, and Wenger’s deliberate decision to distance himself from the club in order to support its new leadership.


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